The film follows a troubled teen named Noah (Ethan Drew), who nearly g
The film follows a troubled teen named Noah (Ethan Drew), who nearly gets caught stealing a top-secret gadget from some big city thugs He then barely escapes by hiding in a summer camp run by the eccentric Falco (Christopher Lloyd) and counselors Jake (Corbin Bleu) and Selena (Amanda Leighton) While Noah tries to blend in with the rest of the rowdy campers, his crooked partne
主演:科尔曼·多明戈,玛莎·斯蒂芬妮·布莱克,德翁·科尔,Thaddeus J. Mixson,洛克兰·雷·米勒,Hudson Robert Wurster,Amanda Ramsaran,斯蒂芬·亨德森,克里斯·亨利·科菲,德鲁·维尔戈维尔,塔姆馨·托波尔斯基,艾尔·斯帕恩扎,史蒂夫·拜尔斯,迪恩·阿姆斯特朗,兰内特·瓦雷,Bri Neal,杰夫·罗普,Ashton James,Breton Lalama,阿莱克斯·伍兹