It is an imaginative and moving adventure, providing pure family enter
It is an imaginative and moving adventure, providing pure family entertainment that tells the story of brothers óscar, 13, and Teo, 11, very different from each other, who live in a modest apartment The action takes place during the summer of 1989, while the mischievous Teo is a football fan, Oscar is a know-it-all who recites the theory of relativity by heart But in reality
主演:伊丽莎白·班克斯,刘易斯·普尔曼,内森·菲利安,MJ·罗德里格斯,约翰·比灵斯列,米达宁·拉希米,Georgia Leva,路易斯·赫拉尔多·门德斯,Mike Ferguson,梦露·克莱恩,贾森·曼努尔·奥拉扎巴尔,劳伦·玛丽·金,露西·巴雷特,Talia Asseraf,Jesse Saler,Scott Manuel Johnson
主演:安藤樱,夏帆,木南晴夏,松坂桃李,水川麻美,染谷将太,黑木华,笨蛋节奏,永尾柚乃,和田爱海,安原琉那,田中直树,志田未来,中岛博子,铃木浩介,野吕佳代,市川由衣,浅野忠信,田村健太郎,中田久留美,势登健雄,江口德子,神保悟志 ,三浦透子,竹森千人,佐佐木史帆,富手麻妙,野间口彻,川面千晶,前野朋哉,臼田麻美,塚地武雅,仲村亨,阿部翔平,铃木隆仁,山田真步,佐藤玲,绫田俊树,松金米子,Nuno Ur