Although I have been forgotten, I've been running on this even more d
Although I have been forgotten, I've been running on this even more difficult highway. Life becomes harder and harder. If all of these never happened, maybe that would be better—まさか. Since I have accepted this 【宿命】which belonged to the typical human species. 不论人类曾经多么地努力攀上巅峰,所有的一切也不过是转头空——但是这个虚无里是有意义的,而且正是因为一个人必然会在活着的某一刻开始正视和接受自己的这种必然命运,它才具有了赋予全部意义. 如果有一天,连你的同行们都不再相信这么易于理解的dialectic的时候,就是say goodbye的大限到了. 抱歉,我将用一生和一死的剧情来证明一个命题:功名利禄总是代代相同的. 但,これこそが人间の感情の极め、希望よりも热く绝望よりも深いもの、爱よ.